Roller blinds for roofwindows
Roller blinds for roof windows made by us match to every kind of roof windows, irrespective of the section shape and the way of opening.. The Roof window roller blind is a standard very popular solution for users of attics. Due to the fabrics they effectively disperse and soften the sun light. High quality material ensures furnishings protection from fading. The roof roller blinds impart an of interior unique atmosphere and tint to the rooms. They also function as window shades.
Depending on solar intensity and your expectations we offer:
- so called jacquard (reticular) materials, delicately dispersing light, which play mainly decorative function.
- moderately blackout universal materials. It is the most popular group of materials playing both decorative and blackout functions.
- completely blackout so called adhesive materials. They also play a decorative function but their main advantage is almost 100% blackout of the room. They are used in very sunny places for maximal blackout.
- they protect from the sun
- they minimize room heating
- they protect from nosy neighbours
- they impart a modern and aesthetic design to the room
- they don’t cause any problems concerning their cleaning and maintenance