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Security Alarm

Main advantages
The problem of anti-burglar protection of the building can be effectively solved by using of the pane with SECURIT ALARM security loop. It eliminates defects of previous solutions:

  • In the case of burglary attempt the  security system will immediately activate after SECURITY ALARM glass breakage.
  • No risk of a false signal: only glass damage causes activation of security system. 
  • Burglary detection  takes place outside the protected room. 
  • You can move inside protected room without risk of accidental security system activation. 
  • This solution is economic in comparison with security detectors. Jest to rozwiązanie oszczędne w porównaniu z czujkami alarmowymi
  • Due to SECURIT tempered glass usage there is a smaller risk  of injury or harm.
  • In contrast to other security  systems, for instance  window shutters, SECURIT ALARM insulated glass pane  ensures a complete visibility with simultaneous room protection. 


LIMAPLUS pane with SECURIT ALARM system is suitable for all applications requiring room and property anti-burglar and anti-theft protection such as:

  • single-family houses
  • shops and jewelry workplaces  
  • banks
  • Shops and supermarkets
  • office buildings 
  • plants


SECURIT ALARM  is  a type of  glass tempered with the help of heat treatment (hardened) with a metal circle fused with the help of screen printing technique. It is usually situated  in one of the circuit and is connected to  the power supply and security system. In the case of glass breakage the whole pane breaks into pieces, electric circuit becomes broken and the security system activates.

SECURIT ALARM has security class C (professional) – it means that it can be used even to protection of such buildings as plants of arms industry, plants of metal and gem manufacture, valuable sacral buildings and their treasuries, jewelry shops, museums, archives, banks.

Basic parameters

  • Loop resistance is within 1-6 Ω
  • Current can’t exceed 100 mA